Changing Hearts


From Mentality to Spirituality


Changing Hearts focuses upon the relevance of detachment for life in modern organisation, and would have the following course structure should an academic training course be needed:


¨               Philosophical Overview: On Detachment

¨               Egocentrism: Creating Partial Views of Reality

¨               Relevance: The Organisational Context

¨               Performance: Symbolizing Detachment

¨               Transformation: Seeing Unity in Diversity

¨               Knowledge Work

¨               Beyond Egocentrism


Changing Hearts was originally written as an M.Sc. Dissertation which was completed at the University of Manchester in 1994. A series of lectures could be designed that would follow the line of argument which has been formulated, in detail, in the dissertation. This spiritual subject matter has not been properly addressed in university psychology courses, and would be relevant to people who will accept that science does not supply sufficient answers to questions about spiritual development and our natural place in the world.


Beyond Egocentrism


Connecting with our Higher Self


Beyond Egocentrism will focus upon adult decision-making, service and performance in the workplace and at home. It has the following outline course structure which includes a conceptual grounding:


¨               Spirituality and the Mind

¨               Identity and the Self

¨               Truth and Detachment

¨               Self-Development and Quality

¨               Roles and Relationships

¨               Decision-Making and Service

¨               A Green Future


It is envisaged that Beyond Egocentrism will initially be a two day course, and that delegates will participate in role play during the event. A team building component has also been envisaged that might involve delegates planning a walk together, which could be done at a later time. Group yoga is also a possibility. I would be happy to play a training consultancy role, with client organisations, to deliver in-house training, and if one-to-one coaching is required, in a mentoring capacity, I would be available to provide that service, too.


Course Objective:


To provide delegates with a practical conceptual framework within which they can proceed with their own conscious self-development while taking steps towards a green future.


Ram Psychology







From Mentality to Spirituality




Home Page

Historical Foundations

Vision and Direction

A Green Future

Yoga and Grace

Self and Identity

Spiritual Healing




Mental Health